Recently, faculty members of the Brand Communication program of the Sino-German Branding DepartmentYuanzhi Nan as first authorAuthored the paper "Conceptualization of Dynamic Digital Coopetition: Evidence from Hospitality Platforms" at theSSCI Social Science Citation Index (CAS I) Top Journals--Published successfully in International Journal of Hospitality Management.

The paper published by Yuanzhi Nan, with the participation of Renyuan Liu, Dr. Jun Luo and Dr. Dandan Ye, professors of marketing and innovation at the University of Nottingham Ningbo Business School, delves into theThe dynamic competition between digital platforms and traditional hotels. Based on a multi-case analysis of four hotel groups, she presents in her thesis the"Dynamic Digital Competition"The concept of thecompetition theoryapplications in digital platform environments. In addition, her researchProvides guidance on the path for disadvantaged traditional hotel players to implement dynamic competitive strategies to survive and thrive in digital platform ecosystems.
The International Journal of Hospitality Management (IJHM) isTop academic journals in the field of tourism and hospitality management. The journal has an impact factor of 9.9 in 2024 and belongs to the major international mainstream management science journals in several countries, includingJCR 1, CAS 1 Top Journals, Soft Sciences Top Journals, FMS High Quality Management Science Journals, Australian ABCD-A journals and UK ABS-3 journals.IJHM is dedicated to publishing the latest research in the related fields of hotel human resource management, consumer behavior and marketing, business forecasting and applied economics, operations management, and strategic management.
Yuanzhi Nan, Ph.D., University of Nottingham Ningbo, is a young faculty member of Sino-German Branding Department of Zhejiang Wanli University.Her research focuses on hospitality management and digital marketing.Her research has been recognized at top national and international conferences. Several of her research results have been featured in top national and international conferences, such as the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS).

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