Zhejiang Wanli College Sino-German School of Design and Communication inauguration ceremony successfully held

On April 3, Zhejiang Wanli College inaugurated the "One Belt, One Road" talent training innovation platform and established the Sino-German Institute of Design and Communication.

Xu Pingyuan, Deputy Director of Ningbo Foreign Affairs Office, Hu Chidi, Deputy Director of Ningbo Education Bureau, Chen Jenong, Standing Committee and Organization Minister of Yinzhou District, Ningbo, Zhao Yong, Deputy Director of Yinzhou District Talent Office, Ying Xiong, Chairman of Zhejiang Wanli Education Group, Lin Liangfu and Lv Jie, Vice Presidents, Shan Fan, President of Hamburg University of Applied Sciences in Design and Communication, Germany, Mr. Stefan Waller, Head of German Teaching at Beishi University Zhuhai Campus, Zhejiang Wanli College President Ying Min, Vice President Qian Guoying and the heads of relevant colleges and departments attended the inauguration ceremony.

In order to further promote the construction of Ningbo as a famous city and capital, the university decided to take advantage of the opportunity of creating a special platform for education cooperation along the "Belt and Road" in Ningbo to deepen and expand the exchange and cooperation with institutions in countries along the "Belt and Road". By integrating the resources of the existing international cooperation education platform, gathering the strength and building the brand, creating an innovative platform for the cultivation of talents along the "Belt and Road", establishing the Center for Culture and Communication in Central and Eastern Europe, the International Center for Economic and Trade Education, the Center for Industrial Design and Big Data Technology, and continuing to promote the interconnection of scientific and educational resources The Center will continue to promote the interconnection of science and education resources and the exchange and cooperation of trade and culture, and further enhance the international education level of our university. The cooperation between Zhejiang Wanli College and Hamburg University of Applied Sciences in Design and Communication is a new practice of "One Belt, One Road" talent training innovation platform. The two sides will cooperate to build a joint college of Zhejiang Wanli College and Hamburg University of Applied Sciences in Design and Communication (Sino-German College of Design and Communication), in order to cultivate international design application talents and further promote the development of Ningbo creative industry.

After the establishment of the institute, it will fully introduce the training standards, core curriculum and quality assurance system of brand design, communication and management related majors of the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences in Design and Communication, and the first three undergraduate majors of visual communication design, advertising and exhibition economics and management will be offered, which will be jointly taught by China and Germany. By then, the two sides will integrate their disciplinary advantages in the field of brand design and communication, and provide Chinese students with international schooling conditions, advanced design and communication learning experiences, practical internships in internationally renowned companies, as well as opportunities to study and exchange in Germany, so as to cultivate new high-level design and communication professionals with international vision, cross-cultural communication skills, and the ability to participate in international competition.

At the establishment ceremony, Ying Min expressed a warm welcome to the guests on behalf of the school, and read out the establishment document of Ningbo "Zhejiang Wanli College 'One Belt, One Road' Talent Training Innovation Platform" Center and the establishment document of Sino-German Institute of Design and Communication.

Ningbo Foreign Affairs Office leaders, Ningbo Education Bureau leaders, Zhejiang Wanli Education Group Chairman Ying Xiong for Ningbo "Zhejiang Wanli College 'One Belt, One Road' talent training innovation platform" unveiled a plaque. Leaders from Yinzhou District, Ningbo, Shan Fan, President of Hamburg University of Applied Sciences in Design and Communication, and Ying Min, President of Zhejiang Wanli College, awarded a plaque to the Sino-German School of Design and Communication.

Afterwards, President Ying Min presented the appointment letters to the Dean and Vice Dean of Sino-German Institute of Design and Communication.

Xu Pingyuan expressed his hope that Wanli College can further give full play to the advantages of disciplines and talents, serve the general situation of foreign affairs, deepen foreign exchange and cooperation, innovate international education cooperation mechanism, continue to bear the heavy burden in promoting the internationalization of education in our city, make a big breakthrough in cooperation with countries along the route to build research centers, collaborative innovation centers, internship training bases, etc., and make a greater breakthrough in spreading and promoting Chinese culture for Chinese products and technologies to go out. We will make greater breakthroughs in the internationalization of education in our city, and make our unique contribution to the creation of "Ningbo experience".

Hu Chidi said that Zhejiang Wanli College has been in the forefront of the city's universities in internationalization, and hoped that the school would make good use of the opportunity of this platform construction to further expand the number of cooperative institutions along the route, further grow the scale of international students and international exchange students, further increase the cooperation of talent training and foreign intelligence introduction, further expand the cooperation fields of disciplines and specialties, and further improve the level of cooperative education. The Municipal Education Bureau will also support the international education development of Wanli College as always.

Chen Jenong said, hope that the Wanli College can further focus on the overall deployment of the development of Yinzhou District, firmly grasp the new characteristics of industrial development and social needs of new trends, and strive to become the Yinzhou District talent training base, scientific research and innovation base and social services radiation base, in the service of continuous development and growth of their own, better for Yinzhou District to accelerate the transformation of economic growth and development mode conversion, and promote the construction of smart city services .

Shan Fan said, because of a chance, I met with Chairman Ying Xiong, President Ying Min and Vice President Qian Guoying. As a native of Zhejiang, I have nostalgia and sentiment in Ningbo. The internationalization pattern and route of Zhejiang Wanli College coincides with my ideal of building a new type of university in Europe and Asia, and this time, Hamburg and Ningbo are hand in hand to jointly promote scientific development and knowledge improvement, to jointly cultivate cross-cultural talents, and to jointly promote cultural exchanges and economic exchanges. I am happy and excited about this.

Ying Xiong said, today, we take advantage of the strong spring breeze of reform and advancement in the new era to plan new layout and new development here, and hold the inauguration ceremony of two new international cooperative education platforms and institutions, which is very gratifying and encouraging. We should combine the school's application-oriented characteristics and advantages, give full play to the advantages of engineering technology and industrial design disciplines, focus on cultivating engineering design and cultural creativity and other application-oriented professional talents, and serve the "One Belt, One Road" and "Made in China 2025" strategy. The Group will fully support Wanli College to serve the needs of the "Belt and Road" and "Made in China 2025" strategies. The Group will fully support the international education cooperation of Wanli College to serve the construction of "One Belt, One Road". We hope that with this as the new starting point, Wanli College can further strengthen the internationalization faculty construction, further promote the internationalization curriculum and project docking, make these two platforms into demonstration and leading projects, and drive the whole internationalization education of Wanli College to develop faster and better.

Ningbo's 13th Five-Year Strategic Emerging Industries Plan proposes to accelerate the development of Ningbo's creative design industry and to build an influential "Ningbo Design" brand in China, while the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences for Design and Communication is the only university in Europe with the core content of "brand" teaching and research. The University of Design and Communication Applied Sciences in Hamburg is the only university in Europe with the core content of "brand" teaching and research, and has unique advantages in brand design, management and communication, and the Sino-German Institute of Design and Communication built with Wanli College will bring more opportunities and strength for "Ningbo Design".
