Generative AI in the communications industry-Reassessment of the Attention economy

International research project

Sino-German Institute of Branding at the Zhejiang Wanli University, Ningbo
Brand University Hamburg - Department Design HAW Hamburg

For a long time, attention has been considered one of the most precious resources in human life. Capturing and maintaining the attention of others, whether in the context of education, marketing, or interpersonal relationships, often translates into various forms of success. Over time, this dynamic has given rise to a complex system now commonly known as the "attention economy," where human attention is traded and commercialized.

The rise of generative artificial intelligence technology is fundamentally changing this attention economy. Traditionally, the attention economy operates based on a simple equation: the time an individual can successfully attract the attention of others is directly related to the effectiveness of the corresponding effort. In order to achieve this, it has invested a lot of resources in the creation process of audio and video content, and has carefully adjusted both the content and form to meet the needs of the target audience. And it has given birth to the entire industry, from marketing companies to social media platforms, each competing for a part of our collective attention.

Generative artificial intelligence technology subverts this long-standing equation by changing time variables, thereby shaking the foundation of attention economy itself. With the emergence of intelligent machines, there is now the potential to theoretically attract people's attention indefinitely. Algorithms can be adjusted in real-time, providing personalized and engaging content in real-time, reducing the effort required to maintain audience engagement. In other words, human content creators may spend days or even weeks designing an activity or project, while generative artificial intelligence can be implemented in real-time and continuously, making real-time adjustments. The significant reduction in this effort is due to intelligent tools that can replace or supplement human roles in the content creation process.

Important questions

  • What does the future collaboration of creatives with machines look like?
  • What degree of control and influence do people have in the overall process, and what is important, necessary, or possible?
  • What qualifications and skills must these individuals possess?
  • What role will trained creatives play in the future, and which tasks can be computer-assisted or managed by individuals without creative training?
  • How exactly can qualitative control be exercised by humans, and with which tools?

Additionally, there are concerns regarding the content itself.

  • How can we ensure that attention packages not only repeat familiar content but also stand out from the deluge through surprise and novel combinations?
  • How can we prevent aesthetic, cultural, and social patterns from being unquestionably reproduced?

Moreover, brands and communication campaigns must adapt.

  • How should brands and campaigns be designed to be consistent yet flexible in both content and form?
  • Which intelligent tools can be deployed at various stages of the communication process to assist in this adaptation?

Research Objective

As stakeholders navigate this rapidly evolving landscape, the focus must not just be on leveraging generative AI's capabilities, but also on asking the right questions to guide its integration into the attention economy. While generative AI represents a powerful tool for capturing human attention, the key to long-term success lies in a thoughtful approach to its implementation-one that addresses these complex questions. While generative AI represents a powerful tool for capturing human attention, the key to long-term success lies in a thoughtful approach to its implementation-one that addresses these complex questions.

The objective is to provide a snapshot of this development and to allow different players to have their say: Brands and communication driving companies, agencies and service providers, technology companies and media and distribution platforms. The objective is to provide a snapshot of this development and to allow different players to have their say: Brands and communication driving companies, agencies and service providers, technology companies and media and distribution platforms.

Project Setup

The research project is run by the Research Institute of Brand Sciences at the Sino-German Faculty of Branding at the Zhejiang Wanli University and the research focus of the Department of Design at HAW Hamburg, Germany. The research project is run by the Research Institute of Brand Sciences at the Sino-German Faculty of Branding at the Zhejiang Wanli University and the research focus of the Department of Design at HAW Hamburg, Germany.

The project has several project phases. The first current, initial phase is developing a network of specialists and industry insiders with the aim of a joint publication and possibly an online conference event. The first current, initial phase is developing a network of specialists and industry insiders with the aim of a joint publication and possibly an online conference event.

Responsible for the project

Prof. Peter Kabel, Department of Design at HAW Hamburg, Germany.
Prof. Zhang Yiping, Sino-German Faculty of Branding of the Zhejiang Wanli University, Ningbo
Prof. Dr. Stefan Waller, Brand University Hamburg, Sino-German Faculty of Branding of the Zhejiang Wanli University, Ningbo

Project assistance

吕谨男, Jinnan Lyu (Lucas)
王行楷,Xingkai Wang (Scribe)


Joint Institute of the Zhejiang Wanli University 
and the Brand University of Applied Sciences
Research Institute of Brand Sciences
Zhejiang Wanli University
Block A, Building 51, Zhejiang Wanli College,
No. 8 Qianhu South Road, Ningbo City
