Trinity Admissions

I. Admissions

Advertising - Serving Brand Communicators Worldwide

China is transforming from a manufacturing powerhouse to a brand powerhouse. Establishing a well-known brand requires a well-developed positioning and marketing strategy by brand planners and advertisers. The latter part of the 2+2 Sino-German Dual Diploma in Advertising is docked to the Brand Communication program at the Brand University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg, Germany, where the two universities work together to cultivate senior talent in cross-cultural advertising and brand communication with keen insight into current and future international branding trends and familiarity with international rules.

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Visual Communication Design - Cross-cultural Creative Designer

Every good brand needs a beautiful appearance, and high-quality visual design can inspire people to buy. The latter part of the 2+2 Sino-German Dual Diploma in Visual Communication Design is aligned with the Brand Design program at the University of Brand Applied Sciences in Hamburg, Germany, and the two universities work together to train brand designers with comprehensive visual design skills with a focus on branding and international cross-media.

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MICE Economics and Management - International Brand Management Elite in the New Era

In recent years, the exhibition industry has been booming at home and abroad, and the exhibition has become an important platform for brands and enterprises to show their image and interact with customers and consumers. The latter part of the 2+2 Sino-German Dual Diploma in Exhibition Economics and Management is aligned with the brand management major of Hamburg Brand University of Applied Sciences in Germany, and the two universities jointly cultivate international management professionals who have knowledge and ability in exhibition management and brand management, are familiar with the whole process of exhibition and brand planning, marketing, management and service, have the ability of exhibition organization and management, and are able to carry out a series of strategic decision-making and strategic implementation activities such as consumer-centered planning, communication, promotion and evaluation to cultivate brand assets, They are international management professionals who are capable of making a series of strategic decisions and executing strategies such as consumer-centered planning, communication, promotion and evaluation to cultivate brand equity.

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Art and technology - international composite talents with both art and creative design and technology development ability

As the representative major of Sino-German College, the "Art and Technology" major has created a course model of "Art and Science Integration", with a high degree of openness, crossover and integration between disciplines, and a high degree of integration between creative design and cutting-edge technologies such as virtual reality, cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence. The curriculum includes digital information interaction design, digital virtual work creation, digital interactive entertainment and other application technologies, aiming to cultivate international composite talents who are capable of cutting-edge research and development and creation, as well as artistic creative design and technology development.

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II. Enrollment plan for 2024

Application specialtiesEnrollment plan (people)Selected SubjectsTuition in China (yuan/academic year)Tuition fees in Germany/abroad (EUR/academic year)
International Economics and Trade (2+2 Chinese and Foreign Dual Degree)10No limit38000Subject to specific foreign university tuition fees
Advertising Studies (2+2 Sino-German Dual Degree)20No limit3800010680
Visual Communication and Design (2+2 Sino-German Dual Degree)10No limit3800010680
Exhibition Economics and Management (2+2 Sino-German Dual Degree)10No limit3800010680
Art and Technology (2+2 Sino-German Dual Degree)20No limit3800010680
Advertising (4+0 Chinese-foreign cooperative program)40No limit58000None
Visual Communication Design (4+0 Chinese-foreign cooperative program)30No limit65000None
