Eight German students came up with new ideas on how to do brand culture in Ningbo

"This course has been a very memorable experience in my life! China's profound culture and creative Chinese brands became the most interesting subject for me, and I am honored to have this opportunity to study and live in China. I want to treasure the beautiful culture of China and share it with my German classmates."

Elisa Heidt, a German student who participated in the evaluation of the project proposal, said at the closing ceremony of the course "Chinese Culture and Chinese Branding" on October 24, in front of the mentors from Jiu Ru Cheng Group, Black Stone Culture Communication Co.

Elisa Heidt successfully received the certificate of completion of the course "Chinese Culture and Chinese Brands". Like Elisa Heidt, seven other German students also received their certificates.

They do planning for Ningbo corporate brands

In this closing ceremony, the course team members from China and Germany respectively presented their project proposals to the partner companies in the form of project proposals and presented their practical results on site.

"We propose two sets of solutions: one is to rejuvenate the brand of Chinese senior living companies through diversified activities such as tea parties, charity events, cooking classes, etc. and establish intergenerational hyperlinks; the second is to build a new global community that uses innovative technology to provide diverse and free comprehensive senior community services." During the presentation, Paula, Sophine-louise, Yu-Lin Wu, Xin-He Chen and Yu-Zhou Dong, members of the "Jiu Ruo Senior Living" team, gave a clear plan and design for the project of Jiu Ruo City Senior Living Group Co.

Based on the research of Ningbo's culture, members of the "Charming Ningbo" team proposed a plan to attract foreign tourists of all ages by linking Ningbo and Shanghai, enhancing the attractiveness of Ningbo's unique culture, linking nature and modernity, and using social networking software.

The "Vibrant Beilun" group made flexible use of marketing strategies to propose a new brand image design for Beilun Port, and used Zhenhai Echinocereus as the IP image to enhance Beilun's international influence and attract young people from all over the world to come to Beilun to start their own businesses.

Valuable Course Takeaways

From September 24, 8 German students from the University of Applied Sciences of Design and Communication in Hamburg and 12 sophomores from Zhejiang Wanli College Sino-German College conducted a month-long practical course on cross-cultural cooperation. They divided into groups and went deeper into Ningbo-based enterprises under the leadership of professional tutors and corporate tutors to carry out projects, real problems and explore brand promotion strategies together.

During the one-month course, the German students, under the guidance of the course teachers, visited famous places in Ningbo and the surrounding cities - Tianyi Pavilion, Dongqian Lake, the former residence of Lu Xun, visited Ningbo local enterprises such as Junsheng Group and Duya Electromechanical, to understand the industrial scale, business operation and management mode of modern Chinese enterprises, through The workshop was held on the theme of "Visual Representation of China", "The Moon and Chinese Design", "Chinese Film Art" and other cross-cultural lectures and workshops to understand the embodiment of Chinese culture in practice and the The need for cross-cultural development.

After listening to the report of the course team members on the topic of "Transformation and Upgrading of Chinese Brands Internationally", the business mentors, Mr. Tan Junru, Mr. Xuan Mengdan, Mr. Chen Yaodong and Mr. Yu Heng, praised them. They praised them, "We were very impressed by the research and presentation of each group, and the form of transnational cooperation injected international elements into local brands."

While the mentors gave their praise, they also made suggestions to focus on the real needs of the brand's consumers and to fully reflect Chinese culture.

For the course members, the one-month course allowed the Chinese and German students to learn a lot from each other.

Jin Yuyan from Sino-German College of Miles College said, "Starting from visiting enterprises, group research, discussion, reporting, revision and improvement until the final report, in this month, I learned from experienced German students how to arrange tasks in a well organized way and how to present our ideas and planning in a systematic way. "

International student Paula, on the other hand, said that although the one-month course was not long, she improved her teamwork and coordination skills in working with Chinese students and gained valuable cross-border friendship. Chinese culture will be a source of inspiration for her studies back in Germany, and she is very happy to share what she saw and heard in China with the German students and teachers.

Feel the temperature of China from a distance

In order to let the German students experience the traditional Chinese family life, feel the Chinese culture from different aspects and enhance the friendship between Chinese and German students, Zhejiang Wanli College specially arranged 8 German students to stay in the homes of local students to feel the harmony and warmth from Chinese families.

"The host, Zhou Jianing, shared, "We let the German students taste my parents' Ningbo dishes for dinner. During the dinner, I found out that they really liked potatoes, and I learned that potatoes are a traditional ingredient in Germany. They also complimented my parents on their other dishes and we had a great conversation."

"The Chinese students and parents were very warm and friendly, I felt especially warm and fun to be able to make dumplings and stir-fry with them, and I thank them for taking me to taste Chinese food and experience the harmonious atmosphere of a Chinese family. I am already looking forward to my next visit to China!" Fabian, a German student, said happily.

According to Zhang Yiping, vice president of Sino-German College of Zhejiang Wanli University, the course "Chinese Culture and Chinese Brand" is one of the series of courses of "Chinese Culture and Practice" developed by Sino-German College of Zhejiang Wanli University for European students. The course aims to combine intercultural competence development and professional knowledge learning, allowing European university students to understand Chinese culture in business practice and promoting the integration of China and Europe. The credits taken by German students will be included in the European ECTS credit transfer system and will be recognized by the partner universities in Germany.

It is understood that Zhejiang Wanli College has held two "Chinese culture and Chinese brand" course, a total of 16 German students to study in the school. Zhejiang Wanli College will also send students to the University of Applied Sciences of Design and Communication in Hamburg, Germany to study German brand culture.

Web link: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1648611824652987498&wfr=spider&for=pc
