Sino-German College & International College General Student Council Student Officers Meeting was successfully held

At 18:00 on the evening of October 13, 2020, the first student cadre meeting of Sino-German College of Design and Communication & International College General Committee of Students for the academic year 2020-2021 was successfully held. The leaders of the meeting were Mr. Ding Yajun, Secretary of the Party General Branch of the International College; Mr. Zhang Yiping, Vice President of Sino-German College of Design and Communication; Mr. Zhang Ji, Assistant Director of the Overseas Campus Management Department and Secretary of the General Committee of the College; Mr. Li Danwei, Director of the Academic Staff Office of the College; Mr. Liang Jianan, Deputy Secretary of the General Committee of the College and the 17 seniors of the College, as well as more than 100 members and officers of various departments of the General Committee of the College. The meeting was hosted by Chen Ke, the student representative of the General Committee of the College.

At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Zhang Yiping shared his experience as a student cadre in his student days, and emphasized that CIDI students should remember General Secretary Xi Jinping's wishes for young students, bravely shoulder the important responsibilities given by the times, strive to combine student activities with the international characteristics of the college, strengthen cross-cultural learning, have ideals in mind and actively practice them, take the lead in achieving teaching goals and actively achieve academic goals. After that, Mr. Ding Yajun, Secretary of the Party General Branch and Vice President, asked all the cadres to remember the original intention, take up the responsibility and dare to attack.

Mr. Ding Yajun encouraged the students to strengthen the cadre's sense of pacesetter, strengthen political theory study, strengthen the sense of academic style leading, and constantly grow their talents, practice innovation, actively participate in various beneficial club activities, and strive to be a new-age college student with comprehensive development of moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic skills.

Finally, Mr. Liang Jianan, deputy secretary of the General Committee of the College, asked the cadres to recognize their roles, to be able to contact the youth, to drive the students, and to highlight the appeal of the organization; to correctly handle the relationship between study, rest and work, and to set an example at all times; to remember that the cadres are not a position we use to show off, but a kind of responsibility; to grow and become successful in the organization, and to find a sense of belonging and satisfaction. In the organization, we can all grow up and find a sense of belonging and satisfaction.

"The sky is healthy, the gentleman to self-improvement." The majority of the cadres have said that young students are in a promising new era, they must remember the teachers' wise teachings, sharpen in the work, grow in the sharpening, develop excellent skills, be brave to take charge and become a new era of Sino-German & International cadres with lofty ideals and extraordinary abilities.
