The International College Student Party Branch organized to watch the movie "Above the Cliff

To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, remembering the history and the revolutionary martyrs, on June 1, 2021, the Student Party Branch of the International College organized a total of 25 members to participate in a centralized movie viewing activity.

This activity in Yinzhou District Wanda Cinema focused on watching the party's centennial tribute film "above the cliff". The film tells the story of four underground workers of the Chinese Communist Party, codenamed Utra, who went to the eastern provinces occupied by the Japanese Kwantung Army to carry out secret missions in the 1930s. At that time, the Chinese Communist Party was committed to advocating the establishment of a national united front against Japan, while the Kuomintang was still engaged in a "civil war" at a time of national crisis. The word "Utra" means dawn in Russian, symbolizing that when the dawn comes is the time of national liberation. The faith of the revolutionary martyrs was the brightest fire in that dusky era. The selfless dedication of the underground workers in the film reminds people that perhaps the real experience is more cruel than in the movie, and the underground workers during the war period sacrificed their lives for the sake of people's peaceful life.

The most impressive and admirable thing is the revolutionary martyrs who died for the cause of communism in the film, after watching the film, party members said they learned a lot and felt a lot. Party member Ding Huanrong said, "Our beautiful life today is the result of countless revolutionary forefathers who threw their heads and blood, as a new era of the Communist Party members, we will not forget history, continue to carry forward the revolutionary spirit, strengthen the cultivation of party spirit, and give full play to the pioneering role of party members." Party member Zheng Ziyin said, "No matter the hard years or the prosperous present, there are always people who are silently forging ahead for the sake of the country and the happy life of the people, and everyone who walks bravely on top of the cliff is worthy of being remembered by us." The faith of the communists was the greatest practice in that period of difficult struggle. Guided by Marxism and founded under the brutal oppression of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism, the Chinese Communist Party has endured hardships since its birth, with millions of revolutionary predecessors always adhering to the purpose of serving the people and insisting on the establishment of a broad united front. Throughout the history of the Party, there have been countless Communist Party members who have followed in their footsteps not only during the war years, but also in today's China. Just last year, at a critical moment when the Party was leading the nation in the struggle to build a moderately prosperous society, the New Pneumonia epidemic challenged the Party, China and the world. Faced with the "epidemic", many Communist Party members volunteered to be volunteers to fight against the epidemic, going to the most serious places. Once again, the Communist Party of China proved that it is a party that grows stronger with each setback, leading the country's 1.4 billion people with the most comprehensive, strict and thorough prevention and control measures, gradually bringing China's economy and production on track while the epidemic is still spreading rapidly and widely around the world.

We carry out party history study, solemnly gaze at history, pay tribute to the memory of the martyrs, in order to appreciate the firmness of their faith, loyalty is valuable, in order to take over the cluster of inextinguishable flame, cohesion into a stronger ideal belief, cohesion into the road to rejuvenation of the majestic force to move forward, the will is not shifted, the original intention is not forgotten.

The mission of today's Communist Party members is still daunting, and China is in a period of great transition. We need to remember the bitterness, learn the history of the Party, inherit the spirit of the martyrs, start from ourselves, start from our surroundings, continue to improve our study ability, do our job in a practical way, help students around us to solve difficulties, and add bricks to the socialist construction.
