The oath-taking ceremony of the student branch of International College was successfully held

At noon on December 22, 2021, the Student Party Branch of International College organized the oath-taking ceremony for the second half of 2021 for the preparatory members of the Party. Ding Yajun, Secretary of the General Party Branch of International College, Huang Heqing, Deputy Secretary of the General Party Branch of International College, Li Danwei, Secretary of the Student Party Branch of International College, and key development candidates in the second half of 2021 attended the meeting. The meeting was hosted by Comrade Liu Xinyi. The agenda of the meeting was divided into four items, which were the oath of party membership, the singing of the International Anthem, the statement of new party members and the speech of the Secretary of the General Branch of the International College.

The oath-taking ceremony was led by Secretary Ding Yajun, and all party members took the oath together. Facing the bright red party flag, the new and old members raised their right fists and made a lifelong oath to fight for the communist cause. In the next part of the new members' statement, seven new members who had just taken the oath took turns to report to the party organization what they felt during the process of joining the party and their goals after becoming party members. The new members expressed that they would strive to improve their own shortcomings and reflect the advanced nature of Party members in all aspects of work, study and social services. Ding Yajun, secretary of the General Party Branch of International College, made a message to the new party members with great expectation and requirements. Secretary Ding Yajun pointed out that party members should show their pioneering role, set the right example for people around them, actively drive students, serve the people and show their good character. They should also set an example by abiding by the discipline and rules and regulations of the Party and the school, and maintaining normal order. To actively come forward when the party and the people need, contribute their own strength, and practice the purpose of serving the people at all times. We should firmly believe in joining the Party in our continuous study, unswervingly carry out the Party's resolutions and accomplish the Party's tasks, and strive to develop ourselves from qualified Party members to excellent Party members.
