Theoretical Study Center Group of the General Party Branch of International College held a special study session on "Ideology and Ideological and Political Work".

On May 26, 2022, the General Party Branch of International College held a theoretical central group study meeting. The meeting was attended by Ding Yajun, Secretary of the General Party Branch of International College, Huang Heqing, Deputy Secretary, Zhang Yiping, Gao Di and Li Danwei, members of the General Party Branch.

Comrade Li Danwei made an exchange speech on "strengthening the ideological work of the party and improving the ability of ideological work of party members and cadres". The speech focused on four aspects, including the status and role of ideological work in colleges and universities, the main challenges of ideological security in colleges and universities, thoughts on strengthening ideological security in colleges and universities, and doing ideological work with the spirit of the 19th National Congress as the leader. At the same time, it studied and exchanged the Implementation Measures of the Responsibility System of Party Committee (Party Group) for Ideological Work. Ideological work is about the flag, about the road, about the political security of the country, and has an important position in the overall situation. The Implementation Measures of the System of Responsibility for Ideological Work of Party Committees (Party Groups) is an important deployment of the Party Central Committee to adhere to the overall strict governance of the Party and implement the principle of Party-controlled ideology, and is a powerful measure to strengthen and improve ideological work and better safeguard the overall situation of reform and stability, which is of great significance and far-reaching impact. College leadership team and members of the General Branch must deeply understand the importance of ideological work, always grasp the correct political direction, and constantly strengthen political awareness, awareness of the overall situation and the sense of concern, and effectively carry the responsibility on their shoulders, the task to the ground; Second, we must seriously study and understand the spirit of the "party committee (party group) ideological work responsibility system implementation approach", to take ideological work as an important party building content, into the important agenda, into the main responsibility of the party group. Third, to further clarify the College's responsibility for ideological work, we must always grasp the propaganda and education work, effectively maintain network ideological security, and firmly grasp the dominant power of network ideology.

At the same time, the theoretical study center group studied the "Regulations on the Work of Letters and Visits", Comrade Ding Yajun made an exchange speech. The Party Central Committee and the State Council formulated and introduced the "Regulations on the Work of Letters and Visits", which is an important institutional arrangement to adhere to and strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Party on the work of letters and visits, an important initiative to adhere to the supremacy of the people and maintain the flesh and blood ties between the Party and the government and the people, and an important work of the Party and the government to understand public sentiment, focus the wisdom of the people and gather the hearts of the people. According to the requirements of letter and visit work, while doing a good job of letter and visit work, we should visit regularly, listen to the voice of the masses, strengthen the ideological security and maintain the cohesion and centripetal force of the people.
