Theoretical Study Center Group of the General Party Branch of International College held a special study session on "China's Human Rights Development Road".

On June 10, 2022, the General Party Branch of International College held a theoretical central group study meeting. The meeting was attended by Ding Yajun, Secretary of the General Party Branch of International College, Huang Heqing, Deputy Secretary, and Zhang Yiping, Gao Di and Li Danwei, members of the General Party Branch.

Comrade Zhang Yiping led the study of "unswervingly follow the path of China's human rights development and better promote the development of China's human rights cause", General Secretary Xi Jinping has always attached great importance to the development of human rights cause and made a series of important statements, especially the important speech at the 37th collective study of the Central Political Bureau, summarizing the achievements of China's human rights theory and practice development in the new era, analyzing the situation of international struggle in the field of human rights. We will firmly follow the road of human rights development in China and better promote the development of human rights in China. The members of the central group carried out discussions and exchanges around the study topic and combined with the actual work of the college. Huang Heqing said that people's happiness is the biggest human right. Since the founding of New China, the Party and the State have been working hard to protect the rights and interests of the people. China has built a moderately prosperous society, China has built a moderately well-off society, historically solved the problem of absolute poverty, continuously improved the ecological environment, and continuously improved the legal system, all of which are the best practice of human rights protection. Not only has it written a new chapter in China's human rights cause, it is also an important milestone in the history of the world's human rights cause, enriching and developing the diversity of human rights civilization. China has its own national conditions, and China's human rights development has its own development characteristics, which cannot be copied from foreign standards.
