SGI Professional Orientation|New Journey to "Brand Design

Beginners' Education Week.Gao Di, Director of Visual Communication, Sino-German School of Design and CommunicationTeachers, theYing Ying Weng, College English GroupTeachers andSino-German visual communication seniorsTogether forVisual Communication Design (Sino-German 2+2 Dual Degree)The first professional orientation session was held for the new students of the class of 2022.

Professional Conductive Society

In the meeting, Ms. Ying Ying Weng introduced to the studentsPlacement of language courses, IELTS score requirements for Visual Communication majors. The college has been providing students withBilingual training, intensive English courses, full English specialized courses with Chinese and foreign teachersAll provide students with excellent opportunities to practice their language skills. Whether students choose to go to Germany to complete the next two years of their studies, to complete their international studies at the institute, or to apply to foreign institutions, this provides them with a good language foundation. Under the four-year long international teaching mode, students will not only practice their English, but also strengthen their international thinking, enhance their intercultural communication skills, and become more competitive in their subsequent job search and further education.

Ms. Ying Ying Weng introduces the language courses to the students

Afterwards, Mr. Gordy introduced to the studentsCareers in Visual Communicationand show them the scientific and detailed academic planning of the college. Mr. Gao pointed out that the whole design of products nowadays is guided by brand design. And the visual communication major in Zhongde, unlike ordinary related majors, starts from freshman yearDevelop students' brand concept and thinkingThe students will be able to build a solid foundation for their future study and work path.

Mr. Gao Di, Director of Visual Communication Design Program

Mr. Gordy introduced the four-year course schedule of the university to the students. In the freshman year, the college arranged the IELTS course for the studentsBilingual LearningThe foundation is laid, during which some specialized aspects are integrated into the fully English-taught courses. From the second year onwards, specialized courses will become dominant, with onlySteady and steady step-by-step learningOnly then can we help our students move steadily forward in their subsequent lives of intense professional study. In order to train students to becomeNew generation of brand designersThe College balances learning and efficiency with an interlocking and interconnected curriculum.

Freshman students actively ask questions

Career and further education prospects are one of the most important concerns of students. Mr. Gao pointed out that Zhejiang Wanli College and the German Brand University of Applied Sciences are both application-oriented universities, both focusing on training students'Applied CompetenceIn order to help students achieve the goal of employment upon graduation, the College focuses on training students for the future. In order for students to achieve the goal of employment upon graduation, the college focuses on training students toProfessional Technical and Vocational CompetenceWe offer students a variety of minors to develop a wide range of skills while improving their personal qualities. AndA Sino-German teaching mechanism for the integration of industry and educationIt also enables students to gradually gain a deeper understanding of the concept of brand design, to practice it consistently, and to have the ability to design in a variety of ways within the framework of branding after various practical corporate project experiences. At the same time, the future employment of students majoring in visual communication is very broad.Graphic Designer, Brand Designer, Interaction Designer...... Mr. Gordy presented a diverse portrait of practitioners for the students.

Students are listening carefully to Mr. Gao's explanation

In the end, Mr. Gordy again emphasized that a reasonable arrangement of one's academic life planning is one of the most important things during the four years in Miles. Students who have just entered college may be very confused about their future, and it is not advisable to get by and have too much fun. It is recommended that students combine their future goals and their own abilities, make their own future plans as early as possible, and work hard to improve themselves.

Experience sharing session with seniors

FromQian Jiasheng and Li Wangyang of Visual Communication 201As a senior, he shared his learning experience with the students.

Students are listening carefully

During the process, Mr. Qian Jiasheng showed the students his own work which was slightly rough when he first came across this major, and his progress in the process of continuous learning until today, and confessed that his own starting and talent might be far less than those of the freshmen present. The purpose of doing so was to convey an idea to the students -The starting point does not determine the end pointThis gave the students a great deal of confidence.

Seniors share their works

After that, two seniors shared their views on some of the problems that students may have in their daily study.

Freshmen ask questions to seniors

Everyone's future is unknown.

The kind of person you want to be.

The approach is all in the moment, every day.

Fly on your colorful life path.

Only you can draw the beautiful picture of the future!

-The End-
