General Meeting of the Party Branch of the Sino-German Branding Department in the second half of 2023

On November 28, 2023 the Party branch of Sino-German Branding Department held the branch meeting of the second half of 2023 of Sino-German Branding Department in classroom 3413, with the participation of all party members, preparatory party members, and organizational development targets.

At the beginning of the meeting, five development targets went up to the stage to report successively. After all the development targets had reported, the
Party members with the right to vote, based on the introduction of the main conditions of the development candidates by their party members' introducers, the report of the branch committee on the examination of the situation and the opinions of the public, and the opinions of the party members present, a secret ballot was taken to vote, and the branch meeting finally made a resolution agreeing to accept the five development candidates as preparatory party members.
