【Lecture】Cross-cultural Animation Design

Time: December 14, 2023

Location: 53211

Speaker: Julia Goschke

Speaker Bio.
Julia Goschke, renowned German animation designer and senior lecturer at the Brand University of Applied Sciences in Germany.Julia received her master's degree in Illustration Design at the University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg under the supervision of Prof. Göttlicher.Julia has extensive expertise in digital image editing, screen design, and art direction. She has published numerous illustrations with Axel Springer, a leading German media group.

Lecture content:
In her talk, Julia Goschke will share her experiences as an illustrator and animation designer and her insights into cross-cultural design. From her early days illustrating children's books to her current achievements in documentary illustration and animation, she will detail her design journey. Through examples of her work in recent years, Julia will introduce the know-how of the animation industry in terms of client interaction, industry trends, and creative approaches.
