Zhejiang Wanli University Sino-German Branding Department Student Party Branch 2024 First Half Year Branch Meeting

May 31, 2024, Zhejiang Wanli College Sino-German Branding Department Student Party Branch 2024 first half of the branch meeting was held at 8:30 in Building 1, 1516, the General Assembly should be present at the meeting of 25 members of the party, should be present at the meeting of the right to vote in the 13, the actual attendance of 25 members of the party, actually present at the meeting of the right to vote in the 13.

There are two topics in this meeting, the first of which is the transfer of a reserve member to full membership. Through the preparatory party members read out the application for transfer, seek the views of the masses inside and outside the party, the party members present to express their views on whether the preparatory party members can be converted to full party members to discuss, to take a secret ballot for the vote, the branch of the General Assembly through the acceptance of the draft resolution to transfer party members, the preparatory party members of the Branch General Assembly to discuss the situation of their own attitude and so on six processes, the General Assembly, according to the object of the transfer of the situation reported, Personal situation and other aspects of the discussion, and finally voted on Zheng Coco, Wu Zixuan and other nine reserve party members into full party members.

At the end of the process of accepting the reserve members, Ms. Li Danwei, the secretary of the Student Party Branch of Sino-German Branding Department, made a speech and message to the students, expressing her heartfelt congratulations to the nine comrades who had been regularized, and expecting that all the party members should always bear in mind their oath of joining the party and strive for it for their whole life; they must never forget the party's fine traditions and styles, and play the role of an exemplary leader. She suggested that student party members should regard every branch task as their responsibility and serve their classmates wholeheartedly. At the same time, she asked the student members to insist on unifying their thoughts and actions to the goals and tasks set by the 20th Party Congress, to bear the heavy responsibility of the young student members in the new era, to strive and forge ahead, and to work every day and do everything well.

The branch meeting ended successfully, this meeting injected fresh blood into our student party branch, further expanded the party members, and it was a great advancement for the reception of student party members in our department. Student party members will also be their good appearance, continuous learning, continuous improvement, the courage to take responsibility, not afraid of difficulties and dangers, to play the role of party members of the vanguard model.
