[Lecture] Generative Artificial Intelligence and Attention Mechanisms

Lecture Title: Generative Artificial Intelligence and Attention Mechanisms

Lecture Location: Qianhu 53211 Multimedia Classroom

Lecture: Thursday, June 6, 2024 18:00

Speaker: Peter Kabel

Speaker Introduction: Prof. Peter Kabel is a professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg, Germany, and the founder of Kabel New Media, Trendburo, and Btro Hamburg, companies in the fields of media, technology, and design. From 2004 to 2007, he was a member of the board of Jung von Mat, Germany's largest advertising agency. Prof. Kabel's main fields of research are interaction design and service design, and he has extensive experience in the areas of digital branding, online content and marketing, product and service design, and startup growth, and has been involved in the implementation of a wide range of innovation programs, such as the Design Thinking, Design Hackathon, Peer Learning, Physical Computing for Designers, and Rapid Prototyping. His research focuses on the development of Yao's AI in the creative industries, and he is passionate about exploring the impact of Natural Language Processing and Speech Artificial Intelligence on human-computer interfaces.
