Recently, the Sino-German Branding Institute's National Art Fund funded project "Training of Innovative Design Talents for Specialty Brands in the Yangtze River Delta" has invited the following experts to participate in the workshopMr. Sha Tianbing, Deputy General Manager and Brand Director of Shanghai Sanlian Group; Mr. Ge Sorry, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee and General Manager of Shanghai Shao Wansheng Trading Co.Separate courses for participants"Old Firms Rejuvenated"and"Inherit the classics, iterate to break the circle".

During the class, Mr. Sha Tianbing, Vice President of the company, inspired the participants to think about the connotation of "brand" and "brand name" through two questions. Brand is a combination of name, symbol, design and other elements to distinguish its products or services from competitors. AndOld brands are recognized by the Ministry of Commerce and are characterized by five features: deep history, wide recognition in society, distinctive cultural characteristics, unique technology and mature marketing channels..
Mr. Sha shared the case of MauChang Optical's refreshing. MauChang Optical has a history of 101 years since it was founded in 1923. The initial intention of brand renewal is to reject homogenization and attract young consumers. By refining the brand value and defining it as the leader of modern sea eyewear culture, MCH adopted the strategies of store-as-product and high-end store with high value, and completed the VI remodeling, opening of high-end store, and a major cultural and creative co-branding cooperation and other revitalization initiatives. He also led the participants to analyze the refreshing cases of Moutai Ruixing co-branded soy latte and Great White Rabbit, so that they could better understand the importance and methods of brand refreshing for old brands.

Mr. Ge introduced in detail the response strategy and future development plan of Shanghai Shao Wansheng Trading Company Limited under the impact of the epidemic. The company owns a number of old Chinese brands, such as Shao Wansheng Food Company, Sanyang Southern Store and Huang Longtai Green Tea. In the face of the challenges posed by the epidemic, the Company has actively adjusted its business strategy, increased online sales, cooperated with live-streaming platforms to promote new products, and optimized its product mix to improve mechanized production. In the future, the company plans to increase operating income, strengthen brand influence, and adhere to the development strategy of "stability, quality, efficiency and sustainability". In addition, the company has realized the rejuvenation, intellectualization and specialization of the cadre, which provides a solid talent base for the sustainable development of the enterprise. Relying on his rich experience in branding, Mr. Ge brought a vivid branding lesson to the participants.