Sino-German SGFB National Art Fund Program Expert Course Series|Li Jun: Fashion Branding and Sustainable Design

Recently, the Sino-German Branding Institute's National Art Fund funded project "Training of Innovative Design Talents for Specialty Brands in the Yangtze River Delta" has invited the following experts to participate in the workshopLi Jun, Dean and Associate Professor, Shanghai International College of Fashion and Creativity, Donghua UniversityBringing courses to participants"Fashion Branding and Sustainable Design".

Prof. Jun Li discussed the integration of fashion branding and sustainable development with the participants, emphasizing thatThe Importance of Interdisciplinary and Cross-Industry Collaboration for the Green Transformation of the Fashion Industry. Analyzing brand strategy through the ESG evaluation system, Prof. Li revealed that fashion is not only about fads and trends, but also about lifestyle and personality expression. Youth culture is the source of fashion brand vitality, while sustainable development is the key to the industry's future. From design innovation to the triple bottom line principle of society, environment and economy, Prof. Li demonstrated the practice path of sustainable fashion in all aspects, providing valuable insights for the green transformation and upgrading of the fashion industry.

Introduction of experts

Dr. Jun Li, Dean of Shanghai International College of Fashion and Creativity, Donghua University, Associate Professor, M.A. Tutor of Fashion Design and Digital Media Art, Head of Donghua University-Tmall New Product Innovation Incubation Base for Industry-Education Integration, Reviewer of Ellen MacAurthur Foundation, Member of the 11th Shanghai Youth Federation. He is also a member of the 11th Shanghai Youth Federation. He is responsible for the establishment of international cooperation bases such as "Donghua University-WWF Sustainable Fashion Center" and "Donghua University-International Wool Board Wool Education Center". In recent years, he has undertaken a number of sustainable fashion innovation research projects of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Technology. He has published 15 papers and monographs, completed more than 30 industry-university research projects commissioned by brand-name apparel enterprises, assisted apparel enterprises in obtaining a new Chinese well-known trademark, a famous brand in Shanghai, a Chinese famous brand, and three of China's "Top 100 Apparel Enterprises", and declared more than 60 patents together with the enterprises. As the project leader, the project of "Hai Shi Science and Technology Cheongsam" has been released twice in Edinburgh Festival, and has been consecutively selected for the national exhibition "Great Change - 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening Up". "Great Journey Brilliant Achievements - Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China".
