We're from China|Jennifer Zhu: Learning Across Borders, Learning Across Borders

"As aHappy to exploreThe people who, for me, contain theThe China-Britain experienceThe four years of university are not only a journey of knowledge accumulation, but also a process of independent exploration across different fields. I am very grateful to the Sino-German Branding School for providing me with the valuable opportunity inIntercultural and Interprofessional Exchange and LearningIn it, I see a wider world and have a more varied life."

What is done is always done, and what is done is always done.International Economics and Trade (Chinese and Foreign 2+2 Dual Degree) 2024 graduate Zhu Zijing successfully applied for graduate school and won the 32nd place in the QS World University Rankings 2024.The University Of Manchester(used for emphasis)Graduate School Admission Offers.

Looking back on her college life, Julia Chu summarized, "I have always believed thatThose who aspire always explore, and those who are brave enjoy the world first.. During my four years of college, I have tried to be a brave person by virtue ofGuts and perseveranceNavigating in an area unknown to myself. Participating in international competitions, seizing valuable opportunities to learn inside and outside the classroom, and committing to interdisciplinary research projects are all explorations that I enjoy."

"During my two years at Miles, I set a goal for myself to get at least one certificate or compete in a tournament each year." InClear goals and planning for the competition were developedAfterward, Zhu Zijing kept moving forward towards her goal, "Every competition I participated in was a deep exploration into the unknown. With partners from different professional backgrounds and cultural perspectives, theTeamwork, interdisciplinary integration and communication, is very rare opportunity."

Julia Chu recalls, "What I remember more is that in my freshman year I participated in theInternet + CompetitionUnder the guidance of the faculty, I formed an interdisciplinary team with other Chinese and German partners. Under the guidance of my professional teacher, I formed an inter-disciplinary team with other Chinese and German partners to carry out a project with the theme of "Digital Feedback - Let the Elderly Ride on the Train of Intelligent Technology". Lacking experience, I often encountered obstacles in market research and questionnaires, such as the reasonableness of the questionnaire design, the bias in the selection of interviewees, and the difficulty of data collection, all of which made it difficult for me. HoweverUnder the guidance of a mentorI'm constantly trial and error.Purposeful hands-on exploration in conjunction with the application of specialized knowledgeThese efforts, such as conducting face-to-face interviews in the community and designing questionnaires that are more closely related to the usage habits of the elderly, have allowed our team to gain a deeper understanding of the needs of our target users. Finally our team projectObtained a provincial projectthat achieved good results."

"Fearless, be brave, be humble.As I delve deeper into the difficulties of the competition, I often remind myself thatIt is important to face difficulties with fearlessness, take courageous action to try solutions, and accept feedback and lessons with humilityThe real value of competitions is not so much in the achievement of good results but more in the process of exploration. The true value of the competition lies not so much in the achievement of good results, but more in the process of exploring theExpanding Ideas and Deepening Knowledgeas well asmental sharpening. Now that you've decided to compete, you have to give 100 percent to it, try to explore your unknown territory, enjoy the process and have no regrets."

"After familiarizing myself with Miles' surroundings, I wanted toGet out of your comfort zone and explore new environments." So Zhu chose to come to the University of Hertfordshire in the United Kingdom, one of the foreign partner colleges for this major, for the last two years of study, "While majoring in business, I also independently chose to take the math and physics classes I was interested in as a way to betterEnhance my ability to synthesize and analyze problems across disciplines, such as the flexible use of mathematical models for prediction and explanation in physics problems, and the directed search for the support of physical intuition in mathematical problems. The combination of mathematics and physics has greatly enriched my perspective on the world and my means of solving problems. I try to analyze information and explore the world from a critical perspective, and I try to face the changes in the world with dialectical thinking, and myCritical and rational thinkingIt also strengthens in the process."

"During my time at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK, in addition to visiting a number of museums and exhibitions at weekends, IMore time was spent in the library, studying for my degree.. Through reading a large amount of literature and actively participating in hands-on group discussions, my knowledge base system has been expanding and my personal learning ability has been improving." In the process of delving into courses such as Database for Strategic Decision Making and Leadership and Organisations on her own, Zhu understood that in the process of gradual explorationEfficient use of library, Internet and other peripheral resourcesThe importance of understanding that in a vast body of knowledgeDefine your niche, filter valuable contentThe necessity of the course. "Like in the course Database for Strategic Decision Making, I need to utilize database technology to provide data support for the strategic planning of enterprises, which is not only a technical challenge, but also involves how to extract key information from massive data to provide precise insights for the decision makers of enterprises. The library's classic textbooks, online databases, academic papers and professional reports and other related resources provide rich materials and theoretical basis for my research. Meanwhile, by participating in online forum discussions on the Internet and watching videos of industry leaders' presentations, I was able toKeeping up with industry trends and filtering high-quality messages, online exchanges with learners and experts across the globe broaden perspectives and deepen understanding."

"InInternationalized teaching atmosphereIn the first place, from the first time in theCareful guidance from professional teachersdown, steadily following an established academic path, to the point where IBecome accustomed to self-study and research, independent thinking, and self-directed exploration of uncharted territory, this process is very precious. I have a stronger ability to adapt and innovate, and my problem-solving skills and resilience have been honed, and I cherish every success even more."

During the summer of 2023, Julia Chu attended theLondon School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)(The London School of Economics and Political Science)I took the Real Analysis course in the summer session of the program. "With the broadening of my international horizons and the enhancement of my cross-disciplinary learning and cross-cultural communication skills, I am more and more eager toBroadening Academic BoundariesI am a student in the United Kingdom. Therefore, I applied for the summer program independently on the official website as a British undergraduate (application materials include personal statement, student letter and transcript).LSE Summer School was a great motivation for me to carry out my research projectThe class, Real Analysis, complemented my math background, expanded my thinking and approach to problem solving, and helped me to go wider and wider on my path of scientific exploration." Zijing Zhu said, "The people I took the class with at the same time were all graduate students or prospective PhD students from top schools. As a junior undergraduate student, it was very difficult for me to learn in this kind ofStrong peer pressureUnderneath, I can't help but be fearful. But in theFostering a strong academic atmosphereUnder the solid professional knowledge, I actively engaged in cross-cultural academic discussions with my seniors, and quickly integrated into the international environment of mutually beneficial cooperation mode of learning, which is undoubtedlyAn invaluable experience of academic and cultural intermingling."

In the same year, Julia Chu also actively participated in theExtracurricular activities at the London School of Economics and Political Science, including participation in the Internet industry (Web3)Experience Sharing Session with Seniors, ,Sharing sessions for women entrepreneursetc., as an important way to broaden horizons, deepen professional knowledge and enhance comprehensive capabilities. "When participating in the experience sharing sessions of seniors in the Internet industry, I was exposed to the concepts of blockchain, decentralized applications and other cutting-edge technologies, and also had the privilege of listening to the first-hand experience sharing of experts and pioneers from the industry. TheseValuable cross-border exchange opportunitiesIt gave me a more intuitive and deeper understanding of how technology is reshaping the future of the Internet. I was inspired to think about how theseIntegration of new technologies into one's academic studies and research projectsgo in and make a positive impact on the community."

In her senior year, Zijing Zhu conducted a research project with Dr. Jiajia Xie from Georgia Institute of Technology to study a meta-learning-based framework to learn representative time series models using Ecobee data to characterize the indoor thermal dynamics of residential buildings. "I was fortunate to meet Dr. Jiajia Xie through the introduction of Deputy Secretary Huang Heqing of the Academic Department. During the process of cross-academic exchanges and integration of industry, science and education, we shared similar interests, so we carried out related scientific research projects together." Zijing Zhu said, "The research project was not easy, during which I learned a lot of math on my own to complete the reasoning and proof of formulas. Switching from business to science required a lot of remedial math courses, which was difficult, including a lot of self-study, complex formula reasoning, and significant cultural differences, but I enjoyed it. I am very happy to have been exposed to new knowledge during my undergraduate years, and the discussions and exchanges of ideas with Dr. Tsejiajia made meA fresh perspective on problems and the world., and hope to have the opportunity to put our proven research into practical applications in the future."

Facing the confusion in academics and life, Julia Zhu shared some experiences about exploring oneself to the younger students:

Plan ahead

Think more about your life plan, including lifestyle, ideal major, job space, etc., and then keep working in that direction.

Dare to change

Maintain the habit of constant reflection, revisit the goals you have set every so often, and keep adjusting your plan to achieve breakthroughs and improvements.

Active Learning

Learning is something that requires subjectivity and you will only experience the joy of learning if you want to learn from the heart. It is an extremely magical experience to really commit to learning, to forget about time, and to enter a state of mind flow.

Aspiration always lies in exploration

The fire of the heart burns unceasingly

May the Chinese and German students

Like Julia Chu

put one's trust in sb.

Courage as a sail.

Drawing Strength from Failure

Finding Direction in Challenges

Moving forward on the waves of time.

You'll reach the other side of your dream.
