Sino-German Students and Teachers Participate in the Asia-Pacific Communication Forum 2024

The two-day Asia-Pacific Communication Forum 2024 was held at the University of Macau on August 17-18, with the theme of Smart Media Communication: Empowerment and Shared Future (Al Communication: Empowerment and Shared).Prof. Xu Xiaogou from the Department of Brand Communication and Dr. Christoph Stahl from the Department of Design of the Sino-German Branding Institute led seven Sino-German students, including Wu Zhuoyun, to Macau, China, to participate in the forum and present their papers.

From left to right: Prof. Xu Xiaoge, Shi Chenyun, Liu Zhiyi, Xu Yuanling, Chen Zhiyi, Lu Jinjun, Chen Liuyi, Wu Zhuoyun, Dr. Christoph Stahl.

The Asia Pacific Communication Forum 2024, organized by the Asia Pacific Communication Exchange Association (APCEA), is one of the most important international communication conferences hosted by Macao.The conference set up two sub-forums in Macao SAR and Hengqin FTZ, adopting the mode of combining offline and online. Nearly two hundred experts and scholars in the field of communication from home and abroad, as well as master's degree and doctoral students from universities participated in this forum. The forum focused on artificial intelligence, digital governance, brand communication, social media and other areas of in-depth discussions, and set up keynote speeches, panel discussions, workshops and other rich links, providing participants with a high-end academic exchange platform.

Prof. Xu XiaogeIn the sub-forum, a paper was shared entitledReshaping Global Narratives: The Role of Mobile Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Chinese Brands.Thesis. In the era of globalization and mobile media-driven, although Chinese brands have achieved success in the international market, there are still challenges in the global communication of their brand narratives. To address this issue, Prof. Xu Xiaogou proposes a comprehensive, coherent, systematic and holistic narrative framework consisting of 14 methods and five stages to reshape the global story of Chinese brands and enhance their international influence, empowered by mobile AI.

Dr. Christoph Stahlmade a presentation in the sub-forum on the topicAn Application of Generative Artificial Intelligence to Creative Form and Composition Tasks.The presentation. With the widespread use of generative AI in visual design, the way of creation is changing significantly. Despite AI's ability to quickly generate visual solutions, its creativity and imagination are still being questioned. By comparing the work of AI and design students, he explores how AI performs in the absence of human creative input, reveals its shortcomings in terms of uniqueness, composition, and level of expression, and points out the important implications of these findings for design teaching.

existProf. Xu XiaogeThe guidance from theWu Zhuoyun, Chen Zhiyi, Chen Liuyi, Lu Jinjun, Liu Zhiyi, Xu Yuanling from the 21st grade of Advertising 2+2 major., a total of six students formed a panel to do a panel discussion on the topic of"Leveraging AI to Amplify Startup Brand Communication."The sharing with six experts from the United States, France, India, Australia, and Bangladesh and other online attendees discussed in depth aboutHow startups can use AI tools and strategies to enhance brand communications for sustainability and align with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).Prof. Ken Harvey from USA, Prof. Gaby David from France, Prof. Max Schleser from Australia, Prof. Krishna Sankar Kusuma from India and Prof. Abdul Naziat Choudhury and Prof. Md Adbul Khabil Khan from Bangladesh gave positive comments on the students' papers and advised them respectively. , and gave suggestions respectively.

Students participate in panel discussions with online experts and scholars

Visual Communication faculty at the Sino-German Branding SchoolDr. Li ShuaiThe guidance from theShi Chenyun from Class 23A1 of Exhibition Economics and Management (Sino-German 2+2 Dual Degree)Issued a paper entitledTrade-offs in Artificial Intelligence Capabilities: The Case for Making Sustainable VideosThe presentation. He explored the application of AI technology in the field of sustainable video production and the capacity trade-offs it involves, illustrating how AI can be used to create content and find a balance between technological capacity and sustainability goals, providing participants with new perspectives on the application of AI technology in the digital age.

this timeStudents and teachers of the Sino-German Branding Departmentparticipate actively"Asia-Pacific Communication Forum 2024"Discussions on artificial intelligence and brand communication demonstrated the research results of the Department in this field and reflected the high concern for sustainable development. They brought new perspectives and practical experiences to the forum, further promoting the application and exploration of AI in brand communication.

Student testimonials

Feedback of Students

It is an honor to participate in the Asia Pacific Communication Forum 2024, which brings together many scholars from the media industry to discuss the latest trends and challenges in the field of communication. Through exchanges and sharing, IDeeply appreciate the importance of innovation and cooperation in promoting the development of the media industry in the context of globalizationThe program is a great opportunity for us to learn from each other. We look forward to more such learning and exchange opportunities in the future.

--Liu Zhiyi, Class 212, 2+2 majoring in Advertising

The theme of the forum centered around AI, and through lectures by a number of renowned professors from Tsinghua University and others, iA new perception of this rapidly iterating field. In addition, writing English papers and giving English presentations have greatly improved my academic English. I would like to thank Dr. Shuai Li and Prof. Xiaoge Xu for their help and the department for the valuable eye-opening opportunities.

--Convention and Exhibition (Chinese-German 2+2 Dual Degree)23A1 Class Shi Chen Yun

Having had the privilege of participating in this APD forum, I have gained insight into theArtificial Intelligence in Sustainable Consumption and Production, especially how to optimize brand communication and raise environmental awareness through AI. I also appreciate the importance of AI in promoting intelligent and personalized media communication, and recognize its role as a bridge in cross-cultural communication. The exchanges with scholars in related fields enriched my insights and were very rewarding.

--Lu Jinjun, Advertising (Chinese-German 2+2 Dual Degree) Class 212

This forum was a great learning and networking opportunity for me. Different scholars and experts explored how AI is reshaping the way news communication, social media, and virtual communities interact with each other, and revealed the potential challenges and opportunities of technological advances in cross-cultural communication and international conflicts.Gave me a deeper understanding of the future of communication models and the development of the digital society.

--Advertising (Sino-German 2+2 Dual Degree) 211 Chen Liuyi
