Sino-German Academy Intercultural Interactive Teaching Method

After nearly one semester of practice, Sino-German College has started to show the effectiveness of the intercultural interactive teaching method in English teaching. The teachers of the classes have innovated mainly through five interactive methods, which not only enlivened the atmosphere of the classes and improved the fun of learning, but also enhanced the students' ability to use their hands and brains in many ways.

I. Brainstorming method

Teacher: Gail Wang, an English teacher at Sino-German College, graduated from the University of Queensland, Australia, and has many years of experience in teaching IELTS English.

Brain Storming is the most common pedagogy in China and Germany. Whether it is writing or speaking training, we work in small groups to break out of the box on a topic, stimulate creative ideas, and enhance students' co-creative and divergent thinking skills. 

Second, the fun and education method

Teacher: Daisy, an English teacher at Zhongde College, graduated from the University of Western Sydney, Australia. She incorporates her personal experience of studying and living in Australia into her classroom teaching, so that the reading class is no longer a scene of boring long and difficult sentences and large-scale problem-solving disasters.

In order to explore the potential of the students, English teachers at Sino-German College often use the Recreational Teaching & Learning (RTL) method to enhance students' teamwork and application skills. The theory of joyful education advocated by Piaget has been put into practice at the Sino-German College.

III. Reverse classroom method

Kevin: Senior IELTS English teacher in China and Germany, further study at the University of Melbourne, 11 years of IELTS teaching experience. He mainly teaches: IELTS reading and writing; TOEFL writing; university English level 4 and 6 tutoring; cross-cultural communication. He has led students to participate in national and provincial English speech and debate competitions for many times.

Flipped Classroom is a method in which the teacher reorganizes time in and out of the classroom, shifting the decision of learning from the teacher to the students. This greatly enhances the ability of students to learn on their own and returns the classroom to the students. In this model, students are able to focus more on active project-based learning, working together to solve localization or globalization challenges and other real-world problems, and gaining a deeper understanding of the valuable time spent in the classroom.

IV. Immersive teaching method

Teacher: Ena, a senior foreigner in English at Sino-German College, has been teaching for more than 20 years, is proficient in three languages, has deep drama and language skills, is stern but not uninteresting, and cares for her students.
Immersive Learning, through the participation of foreign teachers, enables bilingual classes, creates a full English immersion experience, and improves students' cross-cultural communication skills and language transfer abilities.

End: "As a foreign teacher, I must say that it is a pleasure to work withthe staff and students of Sino-German Institute. The dedication and cooperationof the staff and students makes me look forward to classes. The dedication and cooperationof the staff and students makes me look forward to classes. The dedication and cooperationof the staff and students makes me look forward to classes. The student'spositive attitude towards English classes makes teaching here satisfying andfulfilling for me ."

Translation: As a foreign teacher, I must say that it is a great pleasure to work with my fellow teachers and students at the Sino-German Institute. The dedication and cooperation of the teachers and students make me look forward to my classes every day. The positive attitude of the students towards the English classes makes my stay here both satisfying and fulfilling.

V. Critical thinking pedagogy

Teacher: Clare, who has been teaching for more than ten years, and is dedicated to teaching, eating through Level 4 and 6, and fighting for IELTS
There is no straightforward right or wrong in everything, and different positions will have different opinions. In traditional education, teachers focus on letting students know the right answer, while Critical Thinking teaches students not only the "what" but also the "why", which is more important. This approach focuses on training students to explore their own answers. This method focuses on training students to explore the answers themselves, to analyze and look at problems from different perspectives, and to truly master the methods of problem solving so that they can learn from similar problems in the future, and eventually achieve the improvement of their critical thinking skills and independent thinking ability.

In the construction of the international college, Sino-German College always aims to improve students' comprehensive ability and practices various advanced teaching methods in teaching. The small class size and high density teaching arrangement create an all-English learning environment, thus promoting the enhancement of students' cross-cultural learning ability. Whether it is teaching philosophy, process management, or teaching methods, Sino-German College is always exploring and innovating.
