Xi Jinping Talks About Governance, Volume 4, held a special study session at the theoretical study center group of the Party General Branch of the Sino-German College of Design and Communication

On August 31, 2022, the Party General Branch of Sino-German College of Design and Communication held a theoretical central group study meeting. The meeting focused on the interpretation of Xi Jinping on Governance, Volume IV. Huang Heqing, Deputy Secretary of the Party General Branch of Sino-German College of Design and Communication, gave a report on the theme, and a total of four members of the General Branch attended the meeting.

The fourth volume of Xi Jinping on Governance contains the important writings of General Secretary Xi Jinping between February 3, 2020 and May 10, 2022. Huang Heqing explained the background and importance of the publication of the fourth volume, and compared the first three volumes and the fourth volume, and talked about the learning experience around what is new in the fourth volume. Then led the third topic of the volume of the German "adhere to the people first" topic. She pointed out that we should effectively achieve the unity of learning, thinking and using, knowledge, faith and action, and transform the learning results into a powerful impetus to promote the development of the College and meet the 20th Party Congress with practical action.
