International College Party Branch Secretary's report was successfully completed

On December 24, 2021, the General Party Branch of International College held a branch secretary debriefing meeting in 3320. Attending this report meeting were Ding Yajun, Secretary of the General Party Branch of International College, Huang Heqing, Deputy Secretary of the General Party Branch and Secretary of the Staff Party Branch of International College, and Li Danwei, Secretary of the Student Party Branch, as well as staff members, student party members and party activists of the College.

The meeting was chaired by Mr. Huang Heqing, and firstly, Mr. Li Danwei, the secretary of the Student Party Branch, made a presentation. In the past year, the main work and achievements of the Student Party Branch were focused on daily work and Party history learning and education, among which the daily work included three meetings and one class, organizational development, "Youth Horse Class" project practice and so on. Finally, Mr. Li Danwei pointed out that due to the special characteristics of the college, the party activists or party members trained in the lower grades of the College basically went abroad to study in their junior year, resulting in the interruption of the training and development of party members, the high turnover of the student party branch, the development and theoretical learning work can not be carried out in depth and systematically, and the accumulation of party building achievements is difficult. In the next step, the college will also continue to study this difficulty as a topic. The second item on the agenda of the meeting was the presentation by Mr. Huang Heqing, the secretary of the faculty party branch, who gave an account of the past year, including strengthening political theory study, improving his political quality, conscientiously fulfilling his duties, doing a good job in the daily management and education of the faculty party members, playing the role of political gatekeeper of the branch, deep integration of party building and business, ideological work, work style, as well as the shortcomings and directions of efforts. The summary was made.

Lastly, Mr. Ding Yajun, Secretary of the General Party Branch of the International College, affirmed the work of the two Party branches in the year. Both Party branches have given full play to the role of a fortress in ideology and organization, and have completed various tasks with high quality. Secondly, Secretary Ding also put forward the overall goal of the college for the next year, that is, the next year needs to make the work more practical and deep; the party branch should implement the system of three meetings and one class according to the branch work regulations; standardize the party work; start from small things, such as community work leadership, volunteer service, etc., to play the role of party members' pioneer mode; effectively transform the advantages of party building into the advantages of the college work.

Through this report meeting, all party members have seen the effectiveness of the work of the faculty and student party branches in the past year, closely focusing on the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on July 1, the theme of education for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, and actively carrying out "two studies and one work", "three meetings and one class "and other activities. At the same time, every party member should pay great attention to the issues raised in the report meeting, and make all the work more practical and deeper in 2021, so as to achieve better results without forgetting the original intention and forging ahead.
