Upcoming Lectures & Workshops for the first semester of 2017-2018 academic year

The lecture & workshop schedule of Zhejiang Wanli College Sino-German School of Design and Communication for the first semester of the 2018-2019 academic year is as follows:

Lecture: Becoming a Documentary Photographer

Being a documentary photographer

Tutor: Stefan Volk

Mentor: Teacher at the University of Applied Sciences Hamburg Design and Communication, Germany, former photographer for international companies such as Adidas, Bayer and Wings of Europe, former mentor of the mentoring program at the University of Applied Sciences Hamburg, with over 25 years of experience in the field of photography and visual communication.

Lecture: In this lecture, we will take a general overview of the photographic work of photographer Stefan Volk on his personal and commercial projects, and he will teach how to use photography as a tool to document and reshape reality.

Lecture: Cross-Cultural Brand Management

Managing Brands Across Cultures

Tutor: Franziska Schmiedebach-Ullner

He has more than 25 years of experience in the FMCG industry. He was Vice President of Beiersdorf and Head of Global Marketing for the Nivea brand.

Lecture content: Satisfying consumer needs is the core of a successful marketing campaign. However, there are huge differences in consumer behavior between different cultures and countries. Mr. Franziska will share with you how to manage and operate a brand in a cross-cultural environment.

Workshop: "Made in China" poster design

Poster Design Made in China

Tutor: Ole Utikal

Instructor: Teacher at the University of Applied Sciences of Design and Communication in Hamburg, Germany, formerly taught at Macromedia University of Applied Sciences and Miami Advertising School, worked for clients such as Lufthansa, IBM, Volkswagen, etc.

Workshop content: In this workshop, we will follow Ole Utikal to create a poster with a strong "Made in China" message. Students will choose a product made in China as the main subject and creatively arrange photos, illustrations and fonts to create an eye-catching poster that showcases a favorite Chinese product. Through this workshop, we will learn about basic brand marketing concepts, board composition and typography, and learn to creatively integrate these concepts with different design elements.

Lecture: How to balance personal creation and client service for designers

Being a designer between art and service

Tutor: Ole Utikal

Lecture content: In this lecture, Mr. Ole Utical will detail his work as a freelance graphic designer and share ways to consistently stay inspired in this rapidly updating market.

Lecture: Brand Management Basics

Basics of Brand Management

Tutor: Michael Peter

Introduction of the tutor: Teacher at the University of Applied Sciences of Design and Communication in Hamburg, Germany, Master in Sociology and Master in National Economics at the Free University of Berlin, former Senior Marketing Insight and Planning Manager at British American Tobacco.

Lecture: Brands are everywhere in our lives, they drive behavioral choices and influence people's needs. Brands are the greatest asset of a company owner, an asset that is even more valuable than the actual product, device or factory they produce. Brands are better for consumers in that they can guide market trends and thus cover a wider range of consumer needs. What is the essence of a brand? What are the factors that make a brand so desirable and full of value? What are the challenges in building, developing and maintaining a brand? In this talk, Michael will find out the answers together with you.

Workshop: How to design a brand - from the designer's perspective

From a designer's perspective: Brands and how to design them

Tutor: Hendrick Möller

Mentor Introduction: A teacher at the University of Applied Sciences of Design and Communication in Hamburg, Germany, who has provided design services for internationally renowned brands such as Siemens, Audi, BMW and Taobao.

Workshop content: Our lives are surrounded by brands, some of which are well known to us and some of which we don't even notice. How to turn a company, a service, a product into a brand? How to create a design composition system for a brand? How many steps do we as designers need to create a brand? After a short lecture, workshop participants will work together to design for the visual and sensory aspects of a brand.

Workshop: A thousand words are not as good as a picture

More than 1000 words - Communication with images

Tutor: Julia Münz

Tutor: Teacher at the University of Applied Sciences of Design and Communication in Hamburg, Germany, curator and set designer with more than 15 years of experience in the field of art creation.

Workshop content: How can we use the power of images to create a message or a story? Can you make images your ride, traveling above the language of words? In the workshop, we will look at the work of several artists and designers from different countries; students will make their own images and create surprising content out of objects that we take for granted every day.

Lecture: China and Western Brands

Chinese and Western Branding

Tutor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Waller

Mentorship: Doctor of Philosophy, University of Hamburg, Germany, Professor at the University of Applied Sciences for Design and Communication, Hamburg, Germany. He has taught at the University of Hamburg, the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, and the Hamburg International Academy of Media Arts and New Media.

Lecture content: On closer inspection it is easy to see that there are very clear differences between the Chinese and Western brands identified by Chinese consumers today. This is not only about the differences in the products they produce. In his talk, Prof. Stefan Waller will present several examples of successful Chinese and Western branding in the Chinese market, and then delve into what elements make our Chinese brands successful in overseas markets.

Workshop: Introduction to Filmmaking - Using Mobile Phones

Basics of Filming - with smartphone

Tutor: Yves Sonolet

Mentor: Teacher at the University of Applied Sciences of Design and Communication in Hamburg, Germany, founder, producer and digital media designer at LTL Graphic Animation Design, with over 10 years of experience in the field of digital media design.

Workshop content: In this workshop Yves Sonolet will give students a first taste of filmmaking - from developing an idea, to putting that idea into a storyboard creation, and then shooting it.
