Political Theory Study Session of the General Party Branch of International College

First of all, Li Min, a member of the Organization Committee of the Party General Branch, conducted an in-depth study and propaganda on the relevant contents of the Regulations on the Work of the United Front of the Communist Party of China, through the implementation of the Regulations, fully understand the important status and role of the United Front in the new era; effectively strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Party on the work of the United Front; actively build a large United Front work pattern; strive to improve the ability and quality of leading cadres to do a good job in the work of the United Front; and constantly Promote the work of the united front to keep the righteous innovation.

After that, Secretary Ding Yajun, Secretary of the General Party Branch of the International College, made a deployment and arrangement for the party building work of the International College in 2021. Secretary Ding asked every teacher to remember 100 years of Party history, not forgetting the original mission, remembering that establishing moral education is the first priority of education, strengthening their ideological awareness through continuous political study, raising their political standing, and doing a good job of teaching and educating people.

The study session focused on the Party's political theory and learned the content of relevant documents in detail. The meeting was held to help strengthen the party consciousness of party teachers, promote continuous learning and progress of party teachers, and take the initiative to play a pioneering role.
