The first offline party class for the development target training course of International College

Firstly, Mr. Huang Heqing talked about the close relationship between youth and the country, the important mission and responsibility of young Party members in the new era, and that development candidates should learn from the aspirations and patriotic feelings of their forefathers; secondly, he pointed out the mission and goal of Communist Party members, who should struggle to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese dream; finally, Mr. Huang emphasized the responsibility of young Party members, who should have a sense of responsibility and dedication, firm ideals and beliefs, and The teacher emphasized the responsibility of young party members, the need to have a sense of responsibility and dedication, firm ideals and beliefs, high aspirations and down-to-earth.

The party class not only gave all the development targets a deep understanding of the relationship between youth and the country, but also made the development targets realize the responsibilities and responsibilities of young party members, which urged the development targets to be down-to-earth in their next work and study, firm in their ideals and beliefs, train in their responsibilities, grow in their duties, and strictly require themselves with the standards of party members.
