Time: 11.9 (Thursday) 18:00-19:30
Venue: Qianhu 53211 Multimedia Classroom
Presenter: Hans Meuers
Lecture content: Traditional methods of brand communication, such as television, billboards and print ads in magazines, are no longer as effective. In a globalized marketplace, the proliferation of choices has eroded consumer trust. Today's consumers prefer to get their information from social media, friends and opinion leaders. Brands must adapt and find a meaningful and sustainable goal to stay connected to consumers. The key to building a strong brand is to establish the brand's own values. This is not just the responsibility of the marketing team, but every employee should be actively involved in building and executing the brand's values. Brand internalization is strategically important for major brands to position themselves accurately and powerfully in the modern marketplace.
Speaker Introduction: Chairman of the Marketing Association of Hamburg, Germany, and senior tutor of the Brand Communication and Management program at the University of Applied Sciences in Germany. With more than 38 years of experience in international FMGG brand marketing and management, he was Sales Director of British American Tobacco, the second largest tobacco company in the world, and Senior Partner of Braintrust Group. He organized the Global Trade Marketing Conference in Rio de Janeiro. As an expert in market research, customer analysis and brand communication, he focuses on developing students' ability to understand market trends and brand building.