The Theoretical Learning Center Group of the General Party Branch of Sino-German Branding started a discussion on the theme of opening up to the outside world at a high level to help build a strong nation.

On May 9, 2024, the General Party Branch of Sino-German Branding Department held a theoretical central group study meeting. The study was discussed with the theme of high-level opening up to the outside world to help the construction of a strong country, and was led by Huang Heqing, General Committee of the Party Branch of Sino-German Branding Department, with a total of 4 members of the General Branch attending the meeting. Vice President Ma Jianrong and Secretary of the Party Committee of Business School Sun Qi visited the meeting.

In 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a systematic explanation on accelerating the construction of a strong education country during the fifth collective study of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, and the status and role of education as a major plan of the country and the Party were emphasized unprecedentedly, and accelerating the construction of a strong education country became the strong voice of the times. Opening up of education to the outside world is an important part of the construction of a strong education nation and an important path to building a strong education nation. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during the study that it is necessary to improve the strategy and strategy of opening up education to the outside world, do a good job of "bringing in" and "going out", and effectively utilize the world's first-class educational resources and innovation factors, so as to make our country an important education center in the world with strong influence. We should improve the strategy of opening up education to the outside world.

Through this study, the members of the center group around the party discipline education and learning, combined with the college and their own actual situation to talk about the learning experience and experience. Comrade Li Danwei said that education is not only the transmission of knowledge, but also cultural exchange and inheritance, through international exchanges, the implementation of Chinese traditional culture can guide students to broaden the global unemployment at the same time, to enhance the ability of our students to cross-cultural communication. Comrade Luo Jun pointed out that this study provides us with a guide to action, the Sino-German Branding Department, as the forefront of internationalized education, has actively responded to the call and has made some progress. As teachers in the window of Chinese-foreign cooperative education, we have the responsibility to keep exploring the connotation of Chinese excellent culture, integrating classroom Civics and Politics into the construction of professional courses, and telling a good Chinese story. Comrade Huang Heqing emphasized that as a worker of Civic and Political education, we should focus on guiding students to develop international vision in our daily work, and at the same time, we should also guide students to correctly understand traditional Chinese culture and adhere to the four self-confidence. Zhang Yiping, secretary of the party branch, summarized that the school has begun to lay out the two cooperative modes of running schools, 2+2 and 4+0, since 2018, which is very consistent with the national advocacy of "going out" and "bringing in" for education. At present, our department introduces domestic blank brand disciplines, practices the construction of new liberal arts cross-fertilization majors, implements the dual system reform, cultivates talents based on the Chinese market, and then introduces foreign high-quality resources in the Chinese-foreign cooperative schooling "for my use, with me as the main focus", and insists on creating the characteristics of "one institution, one product". We insist on building "one institution with one product".

After the study, Sun Qi, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Business School, expressed high affirmation, saying that this study is also a great inspiration for the construction of the professional layout of the Business School. President Ma Jianrong put forward two requirements on this basis, firstly, to strengthen the study, improve the political position, strengthen the construction of the branch, strengthen the leadership of the party, Zhongde should combine its own situation to come out of a characteristic road. Secondly, truly implement the important ideas of General Secretary Xi Jinping on opening up education to the outside world, and think about how to drive the internationalization professional construction of the school through the development of the school department and promote the development of the school's internationalization characteristics.
