National Art Fund 2024 Artistic Talent Training Subsidized Project --- "Yangtze River Delta Characteristic Brand Innovation and Design Talent Training" Enrollment Notice

(i) Background and characteristics of project implementation

Brand is an important symbol of the comprehensive strength of a country and region, and is a concentrated manifestation of good quality, high quality and reputation. Entering the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to brand building, and has repeatedly put forward the earnest expectation of "strengthening brand awareness" and "promoting standardization and branding". In order to respond to the call of the times, tell the "Chinese brand story" with the innovative design of the Yangtze River Delta's characteristic brands, and improve the influence and recognition of independent brands, this project has been developed byWays for Universities to Jointly Conduct Innovative Design with Specialty Brands in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD)It shows the inheritance and renewal of characteristic brands with the development of the times, takes the fusion of art design and new technology as a means, emphasizes the importance of the fusion of digital technology and traditional culture, parallels the multi-dimensional teaching mode and the cultivation of higher-order thinking, and enhances the brand tone through brand fusion, channel fusion and technological fusion, and positively explores the path of brand innovation that is more youthful, fashionable, affable, and closer to young people's groups.

This program is dedicated to developing a group ofOutstanding brand innovation and design talent that meets modern needsIn addition, it will open up the channels between craft and design, design and product, product and brand, brand and market, cultivate a group of innovative design talents that meet the needs of high-quality development of regional characteristic brand industry in the new period, and cultivate and promote the development of China's excellent national brands and famous brands.

(ii) Introduction to the training program

  1. Introduction to the National Arts Foundation

Approved by the State Council, the China National Arts Fund (CNAF) was formally established in December 2013 with the aim of promoting artistic creation, fostering artistic talents, creating and promoting masterpieces, and advancing the healthy development of the arts.

The National Art Fund is mainly funded by the Central Lottery Public Welfare Fund, and also accepts donations from natural persons, legal persons or other organizations at home and abroad in accordance with the law. The National Art Fund adheres to the direction of "serving the people and socialism" and the policy of "let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend", respects the laws of art, encourages exploration and innovation, advocates honesty and tolerance, and adheres to the working principles of "facing the society, being open and transparent, integrating and balancing, and highlighting the key points". It respects the laws of art, encourages exploration and innovation, advocates honesty and tolerance, and adheres to the working principles of "facing the community, being open and transparent, taking account of the overall situation, and emphasizing the key points.

2. Subject of implementation

Zhejiang Wanli College is a provincial ordinary college with 75 years of school history, which was approved by the Ministry of Education in 1999 to become a new type of college with "new management mode and operation mechanism for public colleges and universities", and was praised by education experts as "exemplary practice of modern university system with Chinese characteristics". ". There are more than 1,400 teaching staff and more than 20,000 full-time undergraduates, postgraduates and international students. Among them, there are more than 2,000 art students. The university has a master's degree program in design, as well as seven art-related undergraduate majors, including visual communication, environmental design, art and science and technology, and two Sino-German cooperative school programs approved by the Ministry of Education, and "Design" has been awarded the first-class discipline in Ningbo.

Zhejiang Wanli College has deeply introduced the educational and teaching resources of the German University of Branding and Applied Sciences (GUBAS) and established the Sino-German Department of Branding. The department is under the jurisdiction of Joint College of German University of Branding and Applied Sciences of Zhejiang Wanli College (a Chinese-foreign cooperative educational institution approved by the Ministry of Education), Sino-German School of Design and Communication, and Sino-German Institute of Brand Science. The Sino-German Institute of Brand Science is oriented to serve the high-quality development of economy and society, actively adapting to the knowledge innovation and scientific and technological progress, focusing on "brand science", and constructing new cross-disciplinary majors such as brand design, brand communication, brand management, etc., with special characteristics. The department maintains linkage with domestic and overseas enterprises and industries, and collaborates in talent demand prediction, cultivation and evaluation, and strives to realize the mutual matching and promotion of disciplines and specialties with industrial chain, innovation chain and talent chain.

(i) Training time

The total length of training from July 1, 2024 to October 30, 2024 will total 120 days; of which, 40 days will be intensive training.

Specific arrangements:

:: July 1, 2024, opening ceremony;

● July 1-30, 2024, Zhejiang Wanli College Intensive lectures and group creative practice instruction;

● 2024 July 31-August 9, Shanghai old brand brand innovation workshop, Shanghai national musical instrument factory, Ningbo and other places of the old focus on the study of lectures and group creation of practical guidance;

● November 2024, a (traveling) exhibition of the trainees' work, resulting in a collection of the results of their work.

(ii) Place of implementation

Centralized location of instruction:Qianhu Campus, Zhejiang Wanli College, No. 8, Qianhu South Road, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China.

A place for project exchanges, pickups, creations, and other branding and design practices:Shanghai Old Brand Brand Innovation Workshop, Shanghai National Musical Instrument Factory No. 1, Ningbo and other local old brands.

(iii) Faculty

The program is equipped with a high-level faculty, including: Zhang Guohua, President of China Advertising Association; Yin Zhengsheng, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University; Li Jialin, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor, School of Art and Design, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology; Lei Haibo, Founder of Visual China, Founder and CEO of Taihuobird; Li Jun, Dean of Shanghai International Fashion and Creative College of Donghua University; Liao Xi, Vice President of Design College of Jiangnan University; Wang Haijun, Vice President of School of International Education, East China University of Science and Technology; Ni Haixian, Expert of Xinhua News Agency Branding Project, CCTV National Branding Expert Liao Xi, Vice President of Jiangnan University, Wang Jianjun, Vice President of China Academy of Art's School of International Education, Ni Haixian, Professor of East China University of Science and Technology's School of Art, Design and Media, Le Jianfeng, Expert Member of Xinhua News Agency's Brand Project and Visual Chief Planner of CCTV's National Brand Program, Sha Tianbing, Deputy General Manager and Brand Director of Shanghai Sanlian Group, and Tang Rencheng, Brand Director of Shanghai Meilin Group.

(iv) Curriculum

The training program focuses on art practice and experience transfer, on improving professional skills, broadening artistic horizons and cultivating innovation ability, and the curriculum includes four modules: art design, cultural creativity, brand building and brand promotion. The course content includes "Inheritance and Innovation of Brand Building", "City Brand Design and Construction", "Fashion Brand and Sustainable Design", "Intercultural Brand Communication", "Cross-border Design of Brands", "Brand Going to Sea: Construction of International Communication Power of Brands", "New Quality Creative Productivity of AIGC", "Old Shanghai, New Cultural Creation: Revitalization and Design of Cultural and Creative Derivatives", "From Trademarks to Brands: Full-case Design of Old Trademarks", and so on.

(v) Evaluation of performance

Mainly for trainees to complete the quality of coursework scoring, specific standards (percentage): attendance accounted for 20%; stage of creation (characteristics of the brand design works, each trainee to complete 10 pieces / sets) accounted for 30%; the final completion of the creation accounted for 30%; to participate in exhibitions, published works or to participate in the report of the exhibition accounted for 20%. after the end of the centralized training, each participant is required to Submit 1 copy of learning experience of the training course and 1 set of special brand planning program. After passing the evaluation and assessment, they can obtain the Certificate of Completion issued by the National Art Fund Management Center.

(vi) Demonstration of training results

The outstanding works of the trainees are to beNovember 2024Exhibition at Zhejiang Wanli College.

(vii) Trainee management

In order to improve the effectiveness of the training, after the trainees are selected, follow-up management, stage inspection and completion evaluation will be implemented for each trainee. If any of the following situations occurs during the training, the trainee will be canceled from the training program:

:: Serious violations of national laws and training-related regulations;

:: Causing adverse effects and significant financial losses to the training in the course of the study;

:: Falsification or plagiarism in study and creative practice;

:: Attendance below training cycle 90%;

:: Other cases in which completion is not possible.

The training program is open to the whole country and students are selected through a competitive process.30. In principle, the selected students are under 45 years of age, love the motherland, discipline and law-abiding, good conduct, decent people; have considerable professional foundation and better artistic potential, talent of young art and design workers. At the same time.Participants must have one of the following::

:: Those who have a certain degree of influence in the industry, have won awards at the provincial level or above, or have undertaken no fewer than three research projects at the provincial level or above, and have achieved outstanding results;

:: Those who have obtained the title of deputy senior (including deputy senior) or above in their specialty;

:: Those who have obtained a master's degree related to their specialty or have been continuously engaged in the industry for more than 10 years and have participated in no less than 10 exhibitions at the provincial level or above, and have greater potential for development.

(i) Registration period

From the date of the enrollment prospectus until June 10, 2024

(ii) Enrollment methods

:: 1 copy of the "Application Form for the National Art Fund 2024 Project "Training of Innovative Design Talents for Characteristic Brands in the Yangtze River Delta" (Annex 1)

:: Identity card (front and back), highest academic degree certificate, title certificate, award certificate, unit certificate copy, personal 2-inch bareheaded standard photo

:: Other relevant certificates of awards and other supporting documents, etc.

Email the application materials as a zip file email name and zip file are both marked with "Name+Unit+Training for Innovative Design Talents of Yangtze River Delta Specialty Brands"Naming.

(iii) Mode of admission

After the application deadline, the project team will organize experts to review the application materials in accordance with the relevant provisions of the National Art Fund, conduct the selection of trainees, choose the best, and report to the National Art Fund Management Center for the record. The selected students will be notified of their acceptance by phone or e-mail, so please be sure to keep your channels open. Formally accepted trainees are required to submit a paper version of the application materials (in duplicate) for the record, please submit on-site when reporting for training. Those who do not respond to the notification will be deemed to have automatically given up their eligibility for admission and will be accepted in turn.

(iv) Check-in modalities

Check-in time: June 30, 2024 (all day)

Check-in location: Department of Sino-German Branding, Zhejiang Wanli College, No. 8 Qianhu Nan Road, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China

(i) Training costs

This training program is funded by the National Art Fund. The round-trip transportation fee, accommodation, food and learning expenses during the training period will be borne by the training body. For reimbursement of transportation expenses, please refer to the "Instructions for Reimbursement of Round-trip Transportation Expenses for Trainees" (Attachment 2).

(ii) Contacts

● Unit: Zhejiang Wanli University

:: Contact: Mr. Pan (13805843664), Mr. Fan (15867425161)

● Address: Department of Sino-German Branding, Zhejiang Wanli University, No. 8, Qiannan Road, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China

(iii) Supplementary notes

All participants of the training are regarded as having confirmed and complied with the provisions of the enrollment brief. During the training period, the trainees shall strictly follow the relevant management system of the National Art Fund Management Center, Zhejiang Wanli College and local administrative departments, cooperate with the implementation of measures and requirements, and take the initiative to cooperate with the safety inspection. The main body of training implementation has the right to show, exhibit, research, photograph, video, publish and publicize the training results. The final interpretation of this brief belongs to Zhejiang Wanli University.

Annex 1: Annex 1 to the Participant Enrollment Form.docx

Annex 2: Annex 2 to the Instructions for Reimbursement of Round-trip Transportation Costs for Training Participants.docx
