We held a mobilization meeting on the theme of learning and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era

On April 17, the Party General Branch of Sino-German College of Design and Communication held a mobilization meeting to study and implement the theme education of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, earnestly studying and implementing the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the theme education work conference and implementing the deployment arrangements on the theme education. Zhang Yiping, secretary of the General Party Branch of the College, made a mobilization speech, and Huang Heqing, deputy secretary of the General Party Branch of the College, made the arrangement explanation and discipline requirements of this theme education.

In his mobilization speech, Secretary Zhang Yiping pointed out that the general requirements and objectives should be grasped and the thematic education activities should be carried out from three aspects.First, all party members should enhance the consciousness of thought and action to carry out the theme of education.This theme education is a major deployment made by the Party Central Committee to fully implement the spirit of the 20th Party Congress and mobilize the whole Party comrades to unite and struggle for the completion of the central task of the Party, and is a major deployment to deeply promote the new great project of Party building in the new era. The majority of party members should be highly conscious of the ideology and action consciousness into the theme of education, firmly "four consciousness", firm "four self-confidence", to achieve "two maintenance", with more We must raise our political status, strengthen our responsibility, put ourselves in, put our thoughts in, put our duties in, and unify our thoughts and actions to the spirit of the General Secretary's important speech.Second, all party members shouldThrough the theme of education really make the party's innovative theory into the heart and ears into the brain.Strengthen the Party's innovative theoretical armament, is a fundamental and strategic work of the overall situation. For how to solidly grasp the theme of education, the central government has put forward five objectives, namely: to forge the soul to build a solid foundation, refining character to strengthen loyalty, practical work to promote development, practice the purpose for the benefit of the people, integrity to establish a new wind. We have to put the new ideas, new thoughts and new strategies put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping in various fields, and the specific requirements for various aspects of work, in the whole scientific system to understand and grasp, to achieve a holistic grasp, coherence. To learn and understand the Party's innovative theory, we must know what is true and know why, to grasp the position, viewpoint and method, to get the right way of thinking, to understand the problem stand high, analyze the problem look deep, to carry out the work accurate.Thirdly.All party membersPut the study and research into practice to accomplish the tasks deployed by the 20th Party Congress.This theme of education, to study and implement the Party's innovation theory as the theme, to "study" as the first, more to "implement" as the important. Whether the general requirements, fundamental tasks, or key initiatives, ultimately to solve the overall development of the Party and the country's practical problems. To implement the theme of education, not only to learn ideas, but also to see action, to establish a correct view of power, career, employment, enhance the sense of responsibility and mission, and constantly improve the ability to promote high-quality development, service to teachers and students, service to the masses, prevention and resolution of risks, strengthen the spirit of struggle and struggle skills, to enhance the spirit of enterprising, take charge of the spirit, and strive to achieve tangible results. .

To carry out the theme of learning and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is an important task proposed by the 20th Party Congress. Secretary Zhang Yiping emphasized that we should firmly grasp the general requirements of "learning ideology, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice and building new achievements", persistently use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for the New Era to concentrate the soul, unify the mind, unify the will and unify the action with the Party's innovative theory, implement the tasks of this thematic education, excel and persevere, and take the thematic education as an important opportunity and strong motivation to promote the work. We will take the theme education as an important opportunity and a powerful driving force to promote our work, to comprehensively improve the work of international talent training in the college, and to make a new and greater contribution to promoting the university's upgrading.

The mobilization meeting was attended by the members of the party and government team of Sino-German College of Design and Communication, all the members of the General Party Branch of the College, students and faculty members, development candidates and party activists.
