Zhejiang Wanli University Sino-German Institute of Design and Communication Student Party Branch 2023 First Half Year Branch Meeting

May 18, 2023, Zhejiang Wanli College Sino-German College of Design and Communication Student Party Branch, the first half of 2023 Branch Assembly meeting was held at 9:00 in Building 3, 3408, hosted by Chen Mengting, 27 people should be present, 25 people were actually present, 12 party members with voting rights.

There are two topics in this meeting, the first one is to receive the preparatory party members. Through the development object to report on the party understanding, the party motivation and other necessary circumstances, the introduction to the party read out the situation, the branch committee report review, the party members will discuss, secret ballot, through the draft resolution and development object to express the attitude of seven processes, the student party branch agreed to receive Wu Zixuan, Zheng Coco and other 7 for the preparatory party members. During the one-year development period, the development targets have made remarkable progress, corrected their shortcomings and problems, improved their overall comprehensive quality, continued to maintain the concept of being open-minded, cautious and aggressive, and gave full play to their pioneering role. In terms of study, I focus on the absorption of professional knowledge; in terms of extracurricular activities, I actively participate in various volunteer activities of the university, and interpret the purpose of the Party with practical actions. I will ride the wind to go, the long sky is ten thousand miles, straight down to see the mountains and rivers.

At the end of the process of receiving the reserve members, Mr. Li Danwei, the secretary of the Student Party Branch of Sino-German College of Design and Communication, gave a speech and a message to the students. She commented and expanded on the current situation of the students and gave them high hopes for their future. "In the report of the 20th National Congress, General Secretary Xi put forward important requirements for the youth, which fully reflected the Party's affectionate care and earnest expectation for the young generation and pointed out the direction for their healthy growth. As a student member in the new era, you should remember the theoretical knowledge of the Party and study and consolidate it in time, as Mr. Li Danwei said, so that you can further play the role of a pioneer, and enter the new journey and interpret the new mission with the posture of a good youth in the new era.

The branch assembly meeting was successful and completed successfully and concluded.
