[Lecture] Learning in Intercultural Communication

Lecture time: Tuesday 19:00-20:00

Lecture Location: Qianhu 53211 Multimedia Classroom

Speaker: Li-Hyun Kim

Speaker Introduction: Dr. Kim Lap Yin is Chair Professor of Applied Linguistics and Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the City University of Macau. Prior to that, she worked as a Chair Professor at the University of Nottingham Ningbo, China for nearly five years, and as a Chair Professor at a UK university for more than 23 years. She has taken on many PhD students. She has been awarded several research grants and has led many international research teams to study leadership and cross-cultural communication in business environments. She has developed qualitative research methods - metaphorical analysis and narrative analysis - to explore participants' inner insights. She has worked as editor-in-chief and author of a series of university English textbooks: the English Tutorial Series for Intercultural Communication (Foreign Teaching Service) and the teacher's books for New Standard College English (New Standard College English Series) and (New Vision College English Series) (Foreign Research Service); as well as translating a series of children's picture books into English. She has published over 200 articles/publications focusing on learning cultures, intercultural communication, metaphor and narrative analysis, and bilingual clinical assessment. She is currently the President of the International Association for the Study of Intercultural Communication.
