The theoretical study group of the General Party Branch of the Sino-German College of Design and Communication studied and implemented the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the theme education work conference

On April 19, 2023, the General Party Branch of Sino-German College of Design and Communication held a theoretical central group study meeting. The meeting focused on learning and implementing the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the theme education work conference. Zhang Yiping, Secretary of the General Party Branch of Sino-German College of Design and Communication, led the study, and a total of five members of the General Party Branch attended the meeting.

In the party to carry out in-depth study and implementation of the theme of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era education, is the Party Central Committee to fully implement the spirit of the 20th Party Congress, mobilize the Party comrades to complete the central task of the Party and the unity of struggle made a major deployment, significant, far-reaching impact. We should have a deep understanding of the significance of the theme of education, clear to carry out any work, first look at the attitude, the key to see the action, and ultimately look at the effect. Firmly grasp the general requirements of "learning ideas, strong party spirit, heavy practice, build new work", anchor tightly on the objectives and tasks, the comprehensive implementation of key measures, and effectively strengthen the leadership of the theme of education to ensure the successful completion of the tasks of the theme of education.

The members of the central group talked about their study experience and insights in the light of the actual situation of the college and themselves around the theme of "planning, organizing and implementing the theme education well". Secretary Zhang Yiping said that the leading cadres of the college should take the lead in grasping the theme education of the college characteristics, pressing the leadership responsibility and grasping the progress of the whole process; Mr. Luo Jun said from the teaching work that in the theme education, teachers should strengthen the theoretical armament comprehensively, persistently use Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era to concentrate the soul, penetrate the ideology and theory into the actual classroom teaching, and better play the role of curriculum Huang Heqing and Gao Di believe that the problems should be rectified and reformed throughout the theme education, so as to run to the problems, learn with the problems, and improve the quality of school operation. Zhang Yiping, the secretary of the Party General Branch, concluded that in the construction of the college, we should think about the true meaning of modern education and how to bring more spiritual and material help to students, "ten years of trees, one hundred years of people", so as to lay the foundation for the sustainable development of the future Sino-German College in many aspects. It is important for the leaders of the institute to take the lead in strengthening the theoretical armament, refining the quality of education, taking the initiative to introduce new ideas, solidifying the existing rules and regulations, and creating a progressive institute with prompt and effective actions.
